
Tech Policy Research

Women's Self Expression and Digital Safety in Gen AI Era: (supported by Bumble)

The research aimed to identify how women aged 18-35, use social media and dating apps; the ways in which their online social participation shapes their self-perception, self-worth, identity and belonging. The research dived into the political and social beliefs of these women along with their biases towards others and themselves.

The research is based on interactions with 1200+ women across 3 northern states and a detailed survey with a sample size of 300 participants.

The aim of the study was to understand women's digital safety concerns and how the digital contexts are located within the immediate socio-cultural norms in their physical world-often limiting their authentic expression and participation. The survey also included questions on recent Gen AI developments and women's apprehension of deepfake porn threats.

Financial Literacy Product

MULTIPLY INDIA: A Financial Education Platform for Indian Women

After its success in Malaysia, Creador Foundation's flagship program Multiply is intended to create financial awareness for working class women- one of the most economically vulnerable groups in India.

From creating 150+ modules across relevant topics such as insurance, loans and savings to doing multiple rounds of Quality Checks, Whatsapp integration to build a seamless website and mobile app for all finance related questions.

Currently in its pre-launch testing phase, I have been preparing solid Social Media strategy that helps onboard users, higher click through and conversion rates through engaging, bite sized content and campaigns.

Keeping in mind to project Creador Foundation as a thought leader in the social work, CSR and financial literacy space, I have closely worked with the Vice President to refine the Brand Identity, Brand Strategy and Communications.

Public Policy Writing

ATMNIRBHAR BHARAT: Exploring the impact of PLI (Production Linked Incentive) Schemes on the Manufacturing Sector in India

We set the course for our research under the mentorship of industry leaders at YLAC and Quantum Hub and decided to focus on two sectors-electronics and textiles- one being tech heavy the other has a dominant human component with special focus on MP Amar Patnaik's home state, Odisha.  

The recommendations in our brief followed a detailed study of the performance metrics prior and after the release of the scheme as well as stakeholder engagement wherever possible. 

The proposal pans across a range of variables from minimum investment criteria, role of tariffs and subsidies to quality control and securing investors after the scheme runs out, given that it was introduced as a stop gap measure. 


"The extensive research undertaken by the team thoroughly impressed Dr. Patnaik. This brief will help us tremendously during the Budget Session and later interventions."

- Natasha Singh
Legislative Assistant to Member of Parliament 

Office of Dr. Amar Patnaik

Gender and Economic Inclusion Research

On Begging in a Metropolis: The Beggar, the City and the Labouring Body

My engagement with Marxist Feminist literature piqued my interest in labor studies- to look at how gender and the body we inhabit, shapes work- from the nature of our profession, wages, hours to the spaces we inhabit while we practice livelihood. 

As simple as the right to work to earn bread and butter goes, it's nuances take us to different avenues of analysis- I choose to go out, in the streets of New Delhi. Smack in the middle of institutional neglect and criminalisation to socio-economic ostracisation, Delhi's 'beggar problem' has been a riddle for reformists. 

Following Swati P. Shah's footsteps, an anthropologist and sex-work scholar who worked on Mumbai's red light district- I approached the question of begging from a paradigm of choice. 

To establish my thesis I spent 3 months visiting the reform centers run by SPYM (in collaboration with AAP government), interviewing men women and children who have been taking shelter at these state run hostels, gathering qualitative data through poverty line survey and  narratives.


"This thesis stands at the fateful intersection of urban studies, development studies and gender studies. There are so many possibilities ahead, this is important work and these are important questions" 

- Krishna Menon
Professor, Gender Studies, Ambedkar University Delhi

( Former) Co-Editor-in-Chief, International Feminist Journal of Politics

Editorial Board Member, Asian Women

"This subject is a minefield, you could spend a lifetime and you would be left with more questions and fewer answers. Regardless, I appreciate her courage to carry this research into the field, knowing well that the complexities would grow. You end up finding things no one prepared you for." 

- Dr. Shubhra Nagalia

Professor, Gender Studies, Ambedkar University Delhi

Digital Media

Work Samples

Brand and Social Media Strategy

Social Media Campaigns

Excellent tools to showcase brand identity, image and creativity, campaigns are thee best places to gain trust and become your TG's go to. Conversions and sales are simply byproducts of meticulously crafted campaigns (something I'm hooked on lately)

Anganwadi Workers
Anganwadi Workers in Tamil Nadu, Source: PSI

Government Schemes Awareness Campaign

Curated a 20- Part Series of Best Schemes with list of benefits, eligibility and application process  to help Indian women achieve their financial goals.


If you love writing like I do, you must've enjoyed the process of imagining characters, their stories coming together like a beautifully woven tapestry. It is always a surprise to see how much of what goes around us inspires these narratives. 


Curated an advertisement for a designers only networking event in London, U.K

video credits @nalinimaheshwari image credits@boredpanda

Instagram, X and LinkedIn Posts

If you love writing like I do, you must've enjoyed the process of imagining characters, their stories coming together like a beautifully woven tapestry. It is always a surprise to see how much of what goes around us inspires these narratives. 

A twitter thread on Language, Ai and Philosophy


From picking out as many you could from the doctor's office, airport or your college admissions room, infographics are like souvenirs that testify your presence at a place long after crumbling at the bottom of your purse. 

While printing them is slowly moving out, the format is still as effective digitally.       Check out some sample work I did for Creador below.


" Meghna is an imaginative thinker, brilliant writer and absolute delight of a coworker. It is always fun brainstorming with her, the results end up being wild and successful."

-Ayush Garg, Co-Founder, MindFry

" One of the most positive, creative and resilient people on the team, she has been a real strength in trying to de-tangle the idea of Multiply and push the platform closer to launch."

-Surya Banda, Vice President, Creador Foundation

"It's always fun working with her, her flow blows the dust off of the dullest of tasks. Full of life and wit, I am literally in love with her brain."

- Nandita Nambiar, Media and Comms Head, I.S.R.N

She is the one person you want on your team to win, from ideas to analysis and execution, I've watched her grow into a powerful young woman."

-Vidula Chopra, Project Manager, Roots Foundation

Let's collaborate !